Mills Brothers Premium Wild Bird Food in Easy Pour & Store Container

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Cheap Mills Brothers Premium Wild Bird Food in Easy Pour & Store Container
Technical Details
- For birds of North America like Black Capped Chickadees and Blue Jays or Goldfinches and more
- Premium mix providing birds high carbohydrates with protein and fat
- Easy to store and pour container for no waste or mess
- Sealed in freshness
- Convenient feeder or tray filling
Well, according to how many times I filled it today (6 8 10) alone, the birds love it. I 've filled it a minimum of once a day the past week or so, yet today it was twice. Even the ground squirrel digs on it. He likes the sunflower seeds. I know it is n't the necessarily correct time of year (usually in winter here in Illinois) to feed the birds, but they have been chowing hard. I wanted one that was "Midwest Bird" friendly, and think I found one based on how quick my feeder is emptying. Granted, it is a rather small one, actually it's Buddha in Lotus pose, so the seed goes in the lap, but I 'm going through it something fierce. And I know it is n't all the squirrel, he's only going for the sunflowers. I 've had 8 to 10 birds fly away from the feeder when I 've randomly gone to check it. So, apparently they dig it.
By : Christopher M. Fulton "Purveyor of Truth" (Streator, IL United States)
We live in Georgia and I 've had to refill the bird feeder twice in the last week. So far we 've seen multiple different bird species and the squirrels seem to like what's fallen to the ground also. When I 've refilled the feeder, I have n't seen much waste on the ground, all of the different types of seeds seem to be equally liked. Every day we 're getting more and more birds stopping by so we 've been very pleased with this feed.
By : ephany77 (Georgia)