Buy Cheap Topflight® 7103-2 Copper Triple Tube Bird Feeder
Cheap Topflight® 7103-2 Copper Triple Tube Bird FeederReadmore
Technical Details
- Bird feeder with squirrel-proof, flip up ports
- Seed tray simplifies cleaning
- Integrated dome guard foils squirrels and protects seed from weather
- Heavy-duty acrylic seed tubes with copper armor
- Twelve feeding stations and 10-pound seed capacity
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I bought this particular Opus feeder on Amazon, Seven Years ago. It is amazing that the feeder not only looks great but also still is operating like new. Opus Company is the most cooperative manufacturer and they stand behind all their products. I called them when an aggressive squirrel ate through the squirrel guard in about six months, only because I had it put it up with too large of rope. Though it was my fault, they replaced the top and sent it out to my house immediately 100% free! Over the years, I have had questions about birds and feeders and they are quick to answer them. They know the animals that eat out of their products! Opus makes more than Bird Feeders, they make many different garden products and Amazon is their top seller of those goods. That is who they always suggest you shop through Amazon because as they will tell you " has the absolute lowest price on all" these quality products. I now own seven Opus Feeder and other Opus Garden Products; all are in new shape with heavy use in the adverse weather of Kansas! Yes Dorothy Kansas! Let us not forget to shop for these at, but go to and look over the entire line of their products and get the best advice on outside birding and other great information.
By Stephen H. Olsen "Captain Steve" (Wichita, Kansas when not at SEA!)

These are fine if you're in an area with small birds, no squirrels, rain. The main problem is the bottom is held in place onto each of the 3 tubes ONLY by two tiny fragile "clips" on only about 2mm in size! As long as there is no weight on the bottom, you're fine. With large birds and huge doves, that gets to be a LOT of weight, many pounds on the bottom of the feeder which it cannot take over time. Yes, squirrels STILL do get on it which make it even worse (they are VERY smart, and even with sunflower seeds put out all over the place, they still INSIST on trying to get a few seeds out of the feeders!) :-) The other issue which adds to this problem is rain. As soon as bird seed gets wet, it sprouts in a matter of hours and unless you clean the feeder out after EVERY rain, or humid night, the seed will indeed grow and grow on the bottom eventually forcing, "shoving" the bottom FROM the 3 tubes--again due to the undersized poorly designed clips. This problem could SO EASILY be fixed by simply using either a larger retention/clipping mechanism on the bottom, or "studs" of some kind to which the tubes can connect THROUGH the bottom portion. But, for some reason the manufacturer refuses to do this. Small birds, no squirrels or AWAY from squirrels, and little rain and low humidity; the feeders are fine.
By CH "Ban fossil fuels" (LA, USA)